International conference: 13-14 June 2024, CY Cergy Paris Université

Cities and (counter)terrorism: ordinary practices, experiences, and atmospheres.
13-14 June 2024, CY Cergy Paris Université
Terrorist attacks against European cities over the last decade have reconfigured ordinary urban life. The proliferation of security logics in response to fluctuating and diffuse terrorist threats affects not only the production and management of physical urban spaces through varied counter-terrorism measures, but also our ordinary practices and experiences of these spaces, down to our bodies, senses, affects and emotions. The ordinary experiences of terrorism and counterterrorism, and the urban ambiances they contribute to produce, are the focus of this meeting.
How do terrorism and counterterrorism shape urban ambiances and atmospheres? How do the intertwining of social interactions, counterterrorism protection practices, and security narratives, discourses and policies shape individual and collective dispositions of attention and vigilance, states of the body, and modes of presence that are specific to the uncertainty associated with the terrorist threat, as well as to the supposed guarantees of the ‘safe city’?
By bringing together geographers, urban planners, sociologists, and anthropologists working in different fields and on different scales, this scientific meeting also sets itself the challenge of critically examining the contributions of approaches centred on ambiances/atmospheres and affects to urban studies of (counter)terrorism.
How to attend
Participation to the conference is free. Please fill in the form to take part:
Confirmed speakers
Amy Batley (London Borough of Camden); Peter Dirksmeier (Leibniz University Hannover); Sarah Klosterkamp (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main); Sunčana Laketa (Université de Neuchâtel); Arthur Oldra (Unil, Lausanne); Myrtille Picaud (CNRS); Ilum Stine (COWI & University of Copenhaghen); Marijn Nieuwenhuis (Durham University); Simone Tulumello (Universidade de Lisboa).
The event includes presentations of project findings from the Atmospheres of (counter)terrorism research team.